This lets you create an order to sell and is cheaper than instant selling. The best way to sell your crypto is on the “Markets” page. This will make it faster to send over to CoinSpot. I would recommend converting it into a crypto which you can send with low fees (such as litecoin). Top Tip – While you can't sell crypto on Coinbase in Australia, it is possible to convert it into another crypto.

The coins are added automatically to your wallet, you just need to wait for the transaction to happen.

Depending on the coin you are sending, it will take anywhere from 5 minutes to 2+ hours to transfer. This will generate a unique wallet address that you can send your coins too. Visit the Wallet page and select the wallet of the coin you are looking to transfer. You will need to complete ID verification (similar to what you did on Coinbase) in order to withdraw your AUD to your bank account. I use CoinSpot, simply because the fee is smaller compared to other exchanges. In order to cashout your crypto from Coinbase you need to transfer it to a local crypto exchange. There are better Coinbase alternatives, but for those using Coinbase, here is how you can withdraw from Coinbase in Australia. In Australia you can buy Bitcoin and other cryptos from Coinbase but unfortunately you can't sell. Coinbase is based in the U.S but supports Australian customers. Coinbase is a popular cryptocurrency exchange.