Potterton Suprima Serial Number
Potterton Suprima Serial Number

Potterton Suprima Serial Number

How can I find the age of my boiler? There are several ways to find out how old your boiler is.The easiest way to get a rough idea of when your boiler was.īoiler spares uk.

Potterton Suprima Serial Number

Suprima 30L - 100L Wall Mounted Fan Assisted Balanced Flue Gas Boiler User Guide and Important Warranty Information Please read this document and keep it safe. In this blog I intend to show you how to run the. Should I replace my boiler with a new energy efficient model? This is a question we get all the time from customers. 5102977 Flame Lock-out Re-set 0 Control Panel Serial Number Badge CON0092B Data Badge 50 -100 Data Badge 40 Contents Contents Technical Data. The maximum output of the Main HE A 12 is 40,330. The Main HE A range are gas fired room sealed fan assisted condensing central heating boilers. Potterton Commercial can supply your larger domestic installations, light to large commercial projects or industrial applications with wall hung or floor standing. Find out how efficient your Potterton boiler is and get costs for new installations, repairs and servicing.

Potterton Suprima Serial Number